Reading Suggestions
Below are suggested books or articles that have influenced or align with the New Reality Leadership approach.
Outlaws to In-Laws
Download a free story to see how one team transformed from a chaotic, haphazard team to a high-performing team and the impact they had on the overall business performance. Transforming a team to improve business operations and performance does not always require huge costs and complicated processes. New Reality shows how to improve the most important leadership approaches and employee development to significantly improve the business and performance. Read stories of how the new reality approach impacted businesses.
Dynamic and Effective Virtual Training
Our world has gone virtual. Meetings, training, and Education. Learn how to transform your online sessions using simple tips and tools. Dynamic and Effective Virtual Training contains 31 strategies to maximize any online experience. Pick a couple ideas at a time to apply and then add a new approach for additional sessions. Available on Amazon The Two-Minute Facilitator
Newly Released in 2024 This book is based on helping many people transform passive training into exciting, useful, and performance enhancing training. In many cases, we worked with non-trainers who were competent in their field, had to train others, but had minimal training competency. We used the principles in this book to jump start their design transformation incrementally. In many cases, they quickly applied several tips which made a huge improvement. Over time, they incorporated other applicable tips to create a dynamic and often extraordinary experience for the learner. The book highlights the tips we found most useful to get started. If you are an experienced trainer, use this book to help others in your organization to increase their training facilitation skills. We have applied the techniques in formal training, business meetings, virtual meetings, and college and school classrooms. Available on Amazon |
4 Disciplines of Execution
The Covey organization created a succinct, powerful process called 4 Disciplines of Execution. It is a proven process to use very engaged, empowered employees to apply a 4 step process that accelerates business improvement. NRL provides the foundational leadership mindsets that allows the 4D managing process to make a huge difference in your organization. Covey has many great resources you may want to review. A key concept of the 4D process is to understand the difference between the everyday Whirlwind of things that must be done to the longer term goals needed to drive continuous improvement. NRL provides tools and concepts to help teams make shifts in focus to ensure they balance the important, longer term goals while dealing with the demanding day-to-day urgent tasks.
Kip Tindell is the CEO of The Container Store. The Container Store is a publicly owned retail chain. Many publicly owned companies focus first on the shareholder and are often short-term profit focused. The Container Store has a different philosophy. They invest highly in employees first who then drive customer satisfaction which in turn improves the shareholders return. NRL believes that companies must invest strongly in the employee through development, engagement, and empowerment. These employees will then own the work and bring their best to the team each day. While cost focus may drive short term upward results, only by following the principles in Uncontainable, which also align with NRL, will a company be successful longer term.